Physics Recruitment

Meet Our Graduate Students

Meet Matias Matinan

Short bio:
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and completed my studies at Instituto Balseiro in the Patagonia region. Currently, I am a second-year PhD student in Experimental Particle Physics, working with the DiPetrillo group on the ATLAS experiment at CERN. My research focuses on the future upgrades of the ATLAS detector, particularly the Inner Tracker (ITk).

Who inspires you?
I’m inspired by the history of science and all the people who have contributed to our understanding of the world. I also get a lot of motivation from my colleagues. When I’m stuck on a problem or feeling frustrated with research, talking to friends who are going through similar challenges but working on different projects always gives me a fresh perspective and renewed energy.

What are you fans of?
I’m a big fan of outdoor activities, especially in the mountains or near lakes. I enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and hiking. In Chicago, I love biking along the lake or going for a run. I also like staying active by going to the gym regularly.

Why did you choose to study Physics?
I was always fascinated by how things work at a fundamental level. As a child, every time I learned something new, it gave me a sense of excitement and made me eager to keep discovering more.

Why did you choose UChicago?
I chose UChicago because of the high-quality research being done here. I was also excited about the opportunity to work with scientists at Fermilab and Argonne.

What are the best things about your PhD program?
I see the program as a great way to get well-rounded training. Most students teach in their first year, which I think is a valuable experience since teaching is an important aspect of a PhD. Personally, my PhD experience has been very rewarding. In Particle Physics, we develop a strong set of tools for solving complex problems. So far, I’ve had the chance to work with both software and hardware, which has significantly contributed to my development.

What was the best surprise about UChicago or life in Chicago?
At UChicago, I was pleasantly surprised by how friendly the community is. In Chicago, I love spending time by the lake, especially in the summer.

if you could share any advice to your colleagues, what would it be?
Be consistent, stay motivated, and find what works for you to achieve your goals. For me, talking with friends helps reignite my motivation when I need it. I also find that staying active through sports is key to feeling good and maintaining consistency.


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