Meet Our Graduate Students

Meet Matteo Sabato
I’m Matteo, a graduate student in the Irvine Lab studying soft matter physics and fluid dynamics. I grew up in Milan, Italy where I also got my Bachelor’s and Masters’ degree. When I’m not in the lab doing experiments I like to play acoustic guitar and play volleyball
Who inspires you?
Anyone who is really passionate about what they do.
What are you fans of?Coming from Italy I am a big soccer fan and love supporting my team (Inter Milan) even from this side of the ocean. I also love cooking and hiking/skiing.
Why did you choose to study Physics?
The passion for physics runs a bit in my family, my parents met while studying physics and my mom went on to work at CERN for a very long time.
I cherish the memories of our very long discussions at the dinner table as a kid asking questions about particle physics.
Why did you choose UChicago?
Having applied to grad school during covid I didn’t get a chance to visit the school in person, but talking the great conversations I had during with faculty members at the virtual open house and the presence of a strong soft matter group really got me hooked.
What are the best things about your PhD program?
I think an underrated aspect of going to grad school at a great institution is that you are surrounded by really cool and smart people, both among your peers and among professors. And there are many great scientists coming to give thought-provoking seminars all the time.
What was the best surprise about UChicago or life in Chicago?
Summers in Chicago are awesome! and they more than make up for the cold winters, which I have to say are not as bad as I thought they would be.
If you could share any advise to your colleagues, what would it be?
Try to keep an open mind as much as you can, take advantage of where you are to develop not only your skills but also a sense for what you find interesting and fascinating in science outside of your own project.