Meet Our Graduate Students

Meet Tanvi Deshmukh
Short bio:
Hi everyone! My name is Tanvi, and I’m a second year PhD student studying quantum science with the High Lab here at Uchicago. Specifically, I’m working on the interface between superconducting and solid state qubits to see how the two systems can talk to each other and uncover some interesting physics! Before coming to Uchicago, I did my undergrad at the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) where I focused mainly on astrophysics research.
Hi everyone! My name is Tanvi, and I’m a second year PhD student studying quantum science with the High Lab here at Uchicago. Specifically, I’m working on the interface between superconducting and solid state qubits to see how the two systems can talk to each other and uncover some interesting physics! Before coming to Uchicago, I did my undergrad at the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) where I focused mainly on astrophysics research.
Who inspires you?
My friends, family, and peers inspire me to be the best version of myself every day! Their hard work and dedication motivates me to keep moving forward.
My friends, family, and peers inspire me to be the best version of myself every day! Their hard work and dedication motivates me to keep moving forward.
What are you fans of?
Since coming to Uchicago, I have been a fan of participating in anything sports related! I may not be the most athletic person, but I enjoy being part of a team where I get to run around and have fun. Uchicago has some wonderful IM sports that grad students are frequently a part of!
Since coming to Uchicago, I have been a fan of participating in anything sports related! I may not be the most athletic person, but I enjoy being part of a team where I get to run around and have fun. Uchicago has some wonderful IM sports that grad students are frequently a part of!
Why did you choose to study physics?
I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my wonderful high school physics teacher! His teaching inspired an interest about the most profound mysteries in our universe, and that curiosity continues to drive me to this day.
Why did you choose UChicago?
I chose Uchicago because of the exciting collaboration opportunities I would have at the school. There are two national labs in the region- Argonne and Fermilab- that Uchicago works closely with. This means there are lots of resources and opportunities that students have to grow their career as a researcher!
What are the best things about your PhD program?
Everyone in the PhD program is incredibly kind and welcoming. There is an understanding that every student takes their own journey through physics and through the PhD, so everyone is there to help you succeed no matter what that looks like or what timeline you are on.
What was the best surprise about UChicago or life in Chicago?
Fun fact: Chicago turns into a beach town in the summer! It’s absolutely gorgeous outside! Every neighborhood in Chicago has its own charm, and it’s wonderful to have the opportunity to explore the city on warm summer days.
If you could share any advice to your colleagues, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Questioning is a part of learning. Everyone at Uchicago is there for you as a resource so make sure you tap into the wisdom of your colleagues. Also, make sure to take care of yourself on your PhD journey. Get involved in activities that interest you, and find the people that make you happy 🙂